A command prompt window will open. In that window type in WinRS /? This command will show you all the syntax for that command.
Hyper terminal in Windows 10. While some devices still need the Hyper terminal to config them. The solution: If you need the hyper terminal for your Windows 10 you can copy the hyper terminal files from Windows XP.
To SSH into your server you will want to a variation of the following command 'winds -r:my server -u:username -p:password cmd' without the quotes. Using the built in WinRS command is kind of a burden. You will have to type in the command above every time, or create a script, to connect SSH into your server.
PuTTY as HyperTerminal Alternative Another free alternative to HyperTerminal is PuTTY. You can download from here. Double click on the PuTTY executable when you are finished. You will see a security warning when you launch PuTTY. Uncheck the box next to 'Always ask before opening this file' to stop the warning. Then click on Run to open PuTTY. PuTTY's configuration window will open.