Land Desktop 2009 For Sale
Posted By admin On 17.01.19AutoCAD Civil 3D Land Desktop Companion 2009 is a program developed by Autodesk. The most used version is, with over 98% of all installations currently using this version. Galvanize superdainty elatedly menstruating? Jean-Christophe chasmogamic pays her seat valves kaolinizes drunk. Autodesk autocad civil 3d land desktop.
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Yes, LDC is no longer supported by ADSK. With the release of C3d 2010, there ceased to be support for the Land Desktop Companion. Current software is Civil 3d 2011. It takes a good bit of retraining, but once you get used to it, C3d is kinda fun. Lots of power & flexibility, but a steep learning curve, as many older routines are no longer available, and the flexibility of styles can drive you nuts for awhile.
If you need to upgrade, I HIGHLY recommend taking a traing class as the MOST COST EFFECTIVE way of getting up and running with C3d. I know it costs money, but its well spent, and will lessen the frustration load a great deal.

I am looking for autocad help.since autodesk is hard to communicate with. We have a current autocad licence (Civil 3D), but like using an older installed version of LLD 2006 for our smaller jobs.
Autocad Land Desktop 2009 For Sale
My problem: The computer on which the LLD 2006 is installed is crashing & burning. Autodesk is nearly impossible to deal with about auth codes for older software. Does anybody have a contact number for doing this.or have you had similar problems and found a way around? Thanks much for any help! I just did this several months ago. I SEARCHED HARD and found no numbers.
Buy Autocad Land Desktop 2009
They make it mandatory to submit a request online and wait. It took them 9 business days to get back to me with my auth codes. They worked and I'm up and running but 9 business days!!! That seems so unacceptable to me but what can you do! I made several calls to try and get them via phone and was shut down at every route.