Turnitin Plagiarism Detection Software

Posted By admin On 01.01.19

Learn why leading publishers, editors, researchers and authors use iThenticate plagiarism checker software to verify the originality of written work. Best Alternate of Turnitin. Plagiarism Checker X fully respects your data privacy and everything you paste inside the software remains undisclosed. As you know, this is a software not service: so you use it right from your desktop. Plagiarism Checker X is the finest online plagiarism detector owing to its comprehensive reporting.


Looks at high schools and how the use of their service has effected the amount of plagiarism that is detected over time. They did this by looking at the papers submitted to the service and counting the ones at that had more than 50% unoriginal content. Then, starting with the first “true usage start year”, which is a full calendar year that reflects a minimum of 10 percent of the lifetime submissions by the school (rather than just a year the service was being tested out), they created a baseline that they then compared to the years that came after it.

The results are striking, nationwide, there is an initial increate in the amount of plagiarism detected, rising a few percent over the course of the first two years of use. However, after that the rates begin to fall quickly and, by the end of the eighth year there’s a 33% drop in the level of unoriginal writing seen. The results, which were broken apart by state, showed that 43 of the 50 states showed reduction in the amount of plagiarism detected over the time period., the study definitely indicates that plagiarism detection software has an impact on student behavior. However, it also shows that not all uses of the software are equal and that, if a school wants to get the maximum benefit from a tool like Turnitin, it needs to be committed to it as more than just a quick fix. The Basics of the Study The basic concept of the study is fairly straightforward. Turnitin looked at the first full year of usage of the service and determined the percentage of papers that were unoriginal (papers with more than 50% unoriginal content).

Then, using that percentage as a baseline, looked at the expected amount of unoriginal submissions in the future and then compared that to the actual amount found. The study is careful not to provide any figures that directly compare the states to one another. It does this by not providing the baseline amount of plagiarism. Instead, it only provides the change against that baseline. Therefore, there’s no way with this data to determine which states have the highest or lowest amount of plagiarism, which would likely be unfair as Turnitin is not used evenly across the states. Initially, 21 states saw an increase in unoriginal papers in the second year.


This raised the national aggregate average to +3.6%, indicating an initial rise in the detection of unoriginal work. However, after that initial bump, the data began to trend downward, reaching an aggregate total of 33.4% by the end of year eight. However, that reduction was not uniform.

Turnitin Plagiarism Detection Software Review

Some states, like Massachusetts, saw a massive drop in detection rates (83% in Massachusetts’ case). Deleware, however, saw a a steady increase in the amount of unoriginal papers detected, culminating in a 285% increase by year eight. The results also fluctuated wildly in some cases.