Oracle made a change in 12C where sys.user$ is no longer included in the SELECT_ANY_DICTIONARY system privilege. Toad 11.6 checks for SELECT_ANY_DICTIONARY before trying to query SYS.USER$, which is fine for older versions of Oracle but not 12C. Resolution: TOAD 10.5 will still work, as will TOAD 12.10. Re: er diagram using toad 11.6 version Osama_Mustafa Dec 26, 2012 4:14 PM ( in response to 941949 ) This is Oracle Forum. Toad for Oracle 11.6 and 11.6.1. Toad for Oracle. Patti.donovan_062 2013-01-08 10:40:26 UTC #1. I found that neither of these versions worked with Windows 7 32 bit. Toad for Oracle (64-bit) is a comprehensive database tool for development and administration that enables you to perform daily tasks efficiently and accurately.